Crystal Therapy
During a crystal therapy treatment the chakras & energy field are brought into balance. At the start of the treatment you are gently guided into your heart centre & connected to soul. And soul intuitively guides the healing process. The crystals conduct the soul’s focus & as the healing takes place, the body relaxes. This is when the physical body can potentially start to harmonise.
Crystal therapy expanding your spiritual awareness
I love carrying out a crystal therapy because each treatment is unique. As we work through the layers of the energy field any past life or present life patterns are healed & released. At the end of the treatment a record of the session is given including guidance from soul. Moreover you will feel much more relaxed, centred & connected to the truth of your heart.
Crystal Therapy £41.50 book here
Palm Reading / Hand Analysis
This form of palm reading is called Chirology. During a hand analysis prints of the palms & fingers are taken. Then the palm reading takes place.
It’s in your palms…
Firstly, the prints clearly show the qualities that are in the hands. This then reveals everything that suits the mind, body & emotions.
And so, palm readings offers a very tangible way of seeing strengths & that which needs working on. By the end of a session you should feel empowered & hopefully uplifted. (palm reading up to 1 hr session)
Healing Touch Palm Reading / Hand Analysis £41.50 book here
Hand Analysis with Tree of Life Art Work £95
If you wish to keep your hand prints & the key qualities of your hands to mind, then you can have a piece of art work created using your hand prints. All hand readings are recorded which means that Laney from Feather Blessings Art (her testimonial is on the home page) can note key elements in your reading. Then as she creates the painting she will add your hand prints into the picture, reminding you of the date & potentials that are in your hands.
Reiki healing is the ancient life force energy of the universe. During a reiki healing the energy field & chakras are brought back into harmony. Reiki treatments are a process of healing. It can take you into past life healing if needed. And it can heal current ongoing situations within & around you. During the treatment the chakras will become balanced & you will practise resting the mind through gentle guidance. By the end of the healing a sense of relaxation should be felt. After the healing give the body & mind time to process the energy.
Therefore Reiki is fantastic for all physical, emotional & mental conditions. It is a very gentle therapy.
I am a reiki master which means I can train others in Reiki healing. If you’re drawn to practise reiki click here for information on training.
Healing Touch Reiki £41.50 book here
Spiritual Life Coaching
I love inspiring people to reach their true potential. With these sessions we can explore that which you wish to evolve within you from your own personal spiritual perspective.
So you could think of me as a Spiritual Soul Nurturer – for it is the calling of the soul, it’s true gifts & talents that ignite the heart’s desire.
These sessions will help you to become focused in whatever area of life you feel you need some extra support. So for example you could need help with taking action clearing the home.
Whatever is drawing you to feel you need some extra support, spiritual life coaching may be the answer….
Set your intentions to experience change
During the process of Spiritual Life Coaching we can go on a very creative journey to help you experience your dreams / goals. Whether it is to do with your career, all types of relationships or your connection with your inner guidance system. We will co-create a plan & I will make sure you are keeping focused & on course with your set intentions. We create agreements that help to keep you accountable & on track with your heart’s desire. If you need a bit of focus, these sessions are perfect.
Creating an energetic shift
Also, if you are going though repetitive patterns of experience Spiritual Life Coaching can create the space & support that you need to recognise the process of what is happening in your life. I can share with you tools to realign these unwanted patterns.
I can use tarot, hand analysis, crystal therapy & some aspects of the Gateway Technique as I work with you. And so if you feel it’s time for change or maybe healing of some type, this may be the process you are looking for.
(1hr 1/2)
Spiritual Life Coaching £55 click here
The Gateway Technique
This is an accredited new therapy developed by Paulina Jones.
It is a very powerful & intuitive healing process combining different therapies. During the Gateway Technique I tune in to your energy. Initially, we will start to break down the neural pathways of the brain with various techniques. In turn, this starts releasing the memories & hormones of stress & trauma.
I strongly suggest to keep a whole day free for this therapy. The energetic process is like running a marathon. Paulina advises that it’s the equivalent to a years counselling. Gateway Technique can be used for people going through bereavement & grief, stress & anxiety & any type of repetitive traumatic experience. The Gateway Technique will help to release emotional memories from the past.
And so the investment for this session covers 2 hours worth of treatment. Anything after is the time I offer you. I trust that soul guides us during these sessions. Expect to be with me for 2 1/2 to 3 hours in total, from start to finish.
To conclude; get ready to release the past & come back to the truth in your heart.
Healing Touch The Gateway Technique £90 book here
Connected Soul & Expansion Group
Held at solstices or equinoxes
An individual has many layers to the energy field. These layers hold emotional memories of the soul’s past & present experiences. This can be held in cells of the body like a veil of stuck energy memory. In turn this can block clear communication between the personality & soul.
So to cleanse the veil of communication & memory around the cells, the Evolved Soul Healing Technique is carried out. During this process the chakras & energy field are aligned. And then for the highest good, a doorway to the higher self is opened. This grounds & magnifies the soul’s connection. Subsequently the soul’s gifts & talents pour forward & harmony takes place.
The Masters of the 7 Rays
Some people may be aware of the Masters of the 7 rays of light (depending on the focus of the spiritual journey). Everybody’s soul is connected to one of these rays which hold certain creative qualities. To finish the treatment these attributes of light are integrated into the energy filed to seal the healing process.
Connected Soul Expansion groups are held at solstice & equinox.
Healing Touch Soul Expansion Group £15 book here
Healing Touch Testimonial
Here is my client Megan.
Megan is talking about her experiences with Crystal therapy.
Massage therapies for women
Indian Head Massage £30
Back Massage £30
Full Body Massage £50